Numerated Blog

In the News: Vantage West’s Successful Member Business Lending Transformation

Written by Khushboo Gajwani | December 04, 2023

In a strategic move toward efficiency and member satisfaction, Numerated client Vantage West Credit Union has undertaken a transformative journey in its member business lending process. Integrating Numerated, a leading technology provider, the credit union has successfully streamlined its business lending operations, bringing remarkable results.

In this interview with Michael Lawson of CUbroadcast, David O’Malley, President of Numerated, and Mark Papoccia, Chief Member Experience Officer at Vantage West, shed light on this groundbreaking partnership. Numerated’s cutting-edge technology has played a pivotal role in reducing the time to business loan approval by 700%. This time-saving enhances the lending process's overall efficiency and underscores Vantage West’s commitment to delivering swift financial solutions to its members. 

One of the standout achievements mentioned by David O’Malley is the introduction of Numerated’s innovative, faster business loan process. This streamlined approach has proven instrumental in the credit union’s quest to make borrowing as effortless as can be. The simplicity and speed of this workflow and decisioning process have contributed to a substantial 33% increase in business loan applications for Vantage West within the current year. 

Mark Papoccia, sharing insights into the broader vision, emphasizes the overarching goal for Vantage West in adopting Numerated’s technology. The aim is clear: to make acquiring financing an effortlessly accessible experience for every member’s business. This strategy aligns with the credit union’s commitment to providing financial solutions that are not only efficient but also member-centric. 

Vantage West Credit Union’s partnership with Numerated is a testament to technology's transformative power in the financial landscape. This success story marks a milestone in the evolving landscape of credit union operation, showcasing the positive impact that strategic technological partnerships can have on streamlining financial services.

Click here to hear the complete CUbroadcast interview.