What to Expect at ICBA Live 2020

Sal Trifilio

Sal Trifilio

February 27, 2020


For some community banks, 2019 was a year to remember.

With a wave of deregulation hitting smaller banks, many institutions were freed from the burdens placed on them after the 2008 financial crisis and used it to return to growth in the year that was.

Even so, many other community banks continue to struggle to find similar success as the greater industry shifts away from traditional banking models and towards digital-first customer experiences.

Simply put, while regulations may be easing (ever so slightly), competition is going in the exact opposite direction. The reality is that community banks are no longer competing with just the other institutions in their immediate physical footprint. Rather, banks are facing all kinds of new competition in the form of Big Tech companies like Amazon, Alt Lenders like OnDeck, and Megabanks like American Express.

As the organization responsible for creating an environment where all community banks can flourish, the Independent Community Bankers Association’s annual “Live” conference represents the perfect forum to discuss this shifting, community-banking landscape.

This year’s ICBA Live conference aims to help community bankers start the new decade off on the right foot by providing an immersive experience where bank leaders can learn about industry innovations, improve their leadership and management skill sets, and network with nearly 1,000 attendees from across the country.

With more than 60 learning labs, an exclusive Bank Director seminar, and three general sessions, attendees will get the opportunity to delve into a number of topics such as revenue and growth, technology and innovation, customer and marketing strategy, and lending and deposits.

Additionally, attendees will have access to an exhibit hall with where more than 200 vendors and industry partners will be talking about their organizations and providing customer demos, among other things.

Numerated will be one such partner in attendance. Attendees can head to Booth #303 during the conference from March 8-12 to learn more about our platform, the business banking products we support, and the success our customers have seen with the technology.

To learn more about Numerated, including our recent platform expansion, and to get a demo of our platform, visit us during ICBA Live or shoot us an email to set up a meeting time during the conference.

Set Up a Time to Meet at ICBA

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